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I am a computational fluid dynamicist, with expertise in hydrodynamic and magneto-hydrodynamic numerical modelling through finite difference and spectral methods. Most recently, I have worked (2023-2024) on the data-driven derivation of new equations for the transport of turbulence with Prof. Steve Tobias in the Department of Applied Mathematics at the School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, as recently presented in this poster at GAFDEM 2023.
I have also previously worked on:-
- HD simulations of ammonia aerosol combustion (2022-2023).
- MHD astrophysical simulations of feedback in star-forming molecular clouds (STFC projects 2015-2018, 2018-2021).
- HD simulations of high pressure CO2 pipelines (National Grid 2011-2014, EU FP7 CO2PIPEHAZ 2010-2013, EU FP7 CO2QUEST 2013-2016).
- MHD simuations of eMHD turbulence in neutron stars (STFC project 2007-2010).
- HD simulations of AGB stars and PNe interacting with the ISM (STFC PhD studentsip 2001-2005, STFC post-doctoral funding part-time 2005-2007).
as well as stints in HPC support and RSE roles on the IT side in Universities (Leeds, Durham).
Since 2017 I have also undertaken short consultancy projects both through a University and independently for national and international companies. At times, I am available for further consultancy work.
I am also a Royal Society-trained and University of Leeds-trained science communicator, having worked in that capacity for Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre and the Royal Institution of Great Britain in the past. Since 2003, I have presented astronomy, mathematics and chemical engineering through planetarium shows, small group workshops, varied talks and the odd media interview to over 10,000 people of all ages and levels of expertise. I have also organised science events in schools for nearly 20,000 children in groups as small as a single class of 30, up to presentations for an entire Key Stage at a secondary school, as well as bringing in several hundred primary school pupils from feeder schools.
I am available to give talks to the general public and/or schools on astronomy, mathematics or physics. I can also present to amateur astronomy groups and research groups on interesting aspects of my research including star formation, AGB stars, planetary nebulae and magnetic fields in neutron stars. Please see my public engagement page for talks I have given and feel free to contact me.
The majority of my publications are listed on my Research Publications page. Alternatively, you could also look at my ADS, Scopus, ResearchGate or White Rose Repository pages linked from the sidebar.
A recent selection of my first-author publications are highlighted here:
"Striations, integrals, hourglasses, and collapse - thermal instability driven magnetic simulations of molecular clouds"
C.J. Wareing, J.M. Pittard, S.A.E.G. Falle
The paginated article is available from: MNRAS 500, 2831-2849, (2021).
The accepted manuscript is openly accessible available from: arXiv.org > astro-ph > arXiv:2011.01321.
Associated raw data can be obtained from Research Data Leeds Repository
"Sheets, filaments, and clumps - high-resolution simulations of how the thermal instability can form molecular clouds"
C.J. Wareing, S.A.E.G. Falle, J. M. Pittard
The paginated article is available from: MNRAS 485, 4686-4702, (2019).
The accepted manuscript is openly accessible available from: arXiv.org > astro-ph > arXiv:1812.09051v2.
Associated raw data can be obtained from Research Data Leeds Repository 483
"A new mechanical stellar wind feedback model for the Rosette Nebula"
C.J. Wareing, J. M. Pittard, N. J. Wright, S.A.E.G. Falle
The Open Access paginated article is available from: MNRAS 475, 3598-3612, (2018).
Associated raw data can be obtained from Research Data Leeds Repository 311
University of Leeds PR on my work on the Rosette Nebula.
EurekAlert Press Release on the ROsette Nebula, timed for Valentine's Day 2018 and picked up worldwide.
"Hydrodynamic simulations of mechanical stellar feedback in a molecular cloud formed by thermal instability"
C.J. Wareing, J. M. Pittard, S.A.E.G. Falle
The paginated article is available from: MNRAS 470, 2283-2313, (2017).
The accepted manuscript is openly accessible available from: arXiv.org > astro-ph > arXiv:1706.01844.
Associated raw data can be obtained from Research Data Leeds Repository 201
"Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of mechanical stellar feedback in a sheet-like molecular cloud"
C.J. Wareing, J. M. Pittard, S.A.E.G. Falle
The paginated article is available from: MNRAS 465, 2757-2783 (2017).
The accepted manuscript is openly accessible from: arXiv.org > astro-ph > arXiv:1605.04706v2.
Associated raw data can be obtained from Research Data Leeds Repository 114
"High pressure CO2 CCS pipelines: Comparing dispersion models with multiple experimental datasets"
C.J. Wareing, M. Fairweather, S.A.E.G. Falle, R.M. Woolley, A.M.E. Ward
Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control (2nd CCS Forum Special Issue) 54, 716-726 (2016).
Available under licence from White Rose Research Repository, eprint 104231.
Manuscript currently available from Research Gate.
"MHD simulation of the formation of clumps and filaments in quiescent diffuse medium by thermal instability"
C.J. Wareing, J. M. Pittard, S.A.E.G. Falle, S. Van Loo
MNRAS 459, 1803-1818 (2016).
Full text available under licence from arXiv.org > astro-ph > arXiv:1601.04361 and White Rose Research Repository, eprint 94103.
For more of my publications, please visit my Research Publications.